Introducing Karst

The Karst Archipelago Historical Society is pleased to introduce Karst: a role playing game and setting with an emphasis on storytelling, discovery, and the softer side of horror.

Karst harkens back to the early days of the genre, informed by lessons learned in the ensuing years. A game for those looking to have a collaborative time, without too many rules to interrupt the flow of play—but just enough to provide some structure—Karst was designed with customization in mind. There are no character classes within its rules, but traditional archetypes can be easily recreated with its system of Knacks, unique aspects of each character. Dice are secondary to the narrative, but remain an important tool for resolving uncertainty. What few rules there are are simple to learn, familiar to the experienced, and open to expansion.

The game's setting, the Karst Archipelago, is a benighted and mysterious place: a slowly dying chain of islands, with a rich an undiscovered history. The inhabitants of the Archipelago, the Six Folk of the Three Distant Shores, are a varied lot, inspired by the animals of our world, each with their own culture and flaws.

The game's core rules and much of its setting are freely available here on this very site. Soon, we will release tools to further enable play, both online and at the table. A complete edition, lovingly filled with illustrations, history, and an introductory adventure, is in the works and will be published in print.

Made for storytelling and journaling, the game and setting is an open one, welcoming the creative works of others. The Karst Archipelago Historical Society has created an open license that enables others to expand upon its canon, and we hope to highlight independent creations here.

Welcome, fellow authors.

August 19th, 2021