Common Items

The following lists contain some of the more obvious items that characters may use, as well as those items’ benefits, drawbacks, and typical costs. By no means are these lists complete. When adding your own items, it is often easiest to modify existing ones, or to use their statistics as a guide.

Clothing and Armor

Clothing and armor are worn and do not count against a character’s carrying limit. Armor offers protection in the form of additional defense but also restricts a character in some manner or another, depending on the armor’s bulk, or class. Restrictions are cumulative: each armor class suffers the restrictions of those before them.

  • Light armor—Prevents the wearer from casting spells.
  • Medium armor—Prevents the wearer from climbing and sneaking, and hinders other acrobatic actions.
  • Heavy armor—The wearer subtracts two from attack rolls and one from all other rolls.

A character can wear one suit of armor or one set of clothing, as well as a backpack or a bag. A character can also wear a pair of shoes, a hat, a belt, a pair of gloves, and a reasonable amount of jewelry.

Artisan clothes—¢10, contains pockets for carrying one or two additional items (depending on item size).

Carapace armor—¢100, six additional defense, heavy.

Chain mail—¢50, four additional defense, medium.

Fish-leathers—¢25, two additional defense, light.

Lamellar armor—¢50, five additional defense, heavy.

Plain clothes—¢5.

Weapons and Ammunition

Weapons are meant to do harm. When used, they increase the amount of damage from an attack. Some weapons require ammunition, which is consumed with each attack. Wielding a weapon requires one free hand or paw, unless noted otherwise.

Some weapons and ammunition have specific attributes:

  • For—Signifies which weapon(s) a type of ammunition can be used with.
  • Large—These weapons are unwieldly; characters must subtract two from both order rolls and attack rolls made while using them.
  • Long—These weapons are longer than most, allowing a character to attack from a little bit farther away, such as from behind another character or from cover.
  • Ranged—These weapons are used to attack nearby and faraway targets, subtracting four from attack rolls against the latter.
  • Small—These weapons can be bundled in groups of five for carrying purposes.
  • Throwable—These weapons may be thrown at nearby targets, subtracting two from the attack roll.
  • Two-handed—These weapons require two hands or paws to wield.
  • Uses—Signifies which ammunition a weapon uses.

The most commonly available weapons and ammunition include the following:

Bow—¢25, six-sided damage dice, two-handed, ranged, uses arrows.

Club or hatchet—¢10, six-sided damage dice.

Dagger—¢10, four-sided damage dice, throwable, small.

Large bow—¢50, eight-sided damage dice, two-handed, large, ranged, uses arrows.

Large sword or large axe—¢50, ten-sided damage dice, two-handed, large.

Sling—¢5, four-sided damage dice, ranged, uses stones.

Spear—¢25, six-sided damage dice, long, throwable.

Staff—¢5, four-sided damage dice, long.

Sword or axe—¢25, eight-sided damage dice.

Ten stones—¢0, for slings.

Twenty-five arrows—¢5, for bows and large bows.

Equipment, Tools, and Gear

Karst’s folk have all sorts of items beyond clothing, armor, weapons, and ammunition. In fact, the majority of their items are those not listed above. Many of these items are tools to be used in hand or paw; others are gear to be worn; some equipment may even require a bit of setup before it can be used.

Backpack—¢25, lets the wearer carry three or four additional items (depending on the items’ size).

Bedroll—¢10, for sleeping comfortably.

Book—¢25, empty or filled with words.

Bucket or jug—¢10, large or small.

Chisel or hammer—¢10, for chiseling or hammering.

Flint stone—¢10, for starting fires.

Jar of wax—¢5, to refill a lantern or for use as sealant.

Lantern—¢25, burns for six hours before it must be refilled with wax.

Large cart—¢200, pulled by three folk, carries eight folk or eighty items.

Large tent—¢50, sleeps five, eight uncomfortably.

Musical instrument—¢25, to play a tune.

Net—¢10, for catching fish, or perhaps folk.

Paddle or oar—¢10, for paddling or rowing.

Pickaxe—¢10, for breaking rocks.

Pouch—¢10, lets the wearer carry two items as one (two pouches at most can be worn without hindrance).

Rope—¢5, fifty-foot length.

Sailboat—¢1,500, sailed by two folk, carries ten folk and one hundred items across the sea.

Saw—¢10, for sawing.

Shield—¢25, adds two defense but subtracts two from all attack rolls.

Shovel or spade—¢10, for digging.

Small cart—¢50, pulled by one folk, carries two folk or twenty items.

Small rowboat—¢100, rowed by one or two folk, carries four folk and twenty items.

Small sailboat—¢250, sailed by one folk, carries four folk and thirty items.

Small tent—¢25, sleeps one, two uncomfortably.

Snare trap—¢15, to catch prey.

Tool kit—¢25, hand tools for a specific craft or trade.

Torches—¢10, bundle of five; each burns for one hour.

Wooden pole—¢5, roughly ten feet long.